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Paediatric eye exam: How they are different by Dr. Firoz Biswas

Paediatric eye exam: How they are different


Paediatric eye exam: How they are different

 is an expert assessment of your child's eye health and vision performed by an ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist)

A brief examination of your child's eyes by a pediatrician or family physician is not an alternative to an eye examination performed by an ophthalmologist. Only ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists have advanced training and clinical tools to evaluate your child's eyesight and vision in detail.

Why children's eyes are important
Your child’s eyes are healthy and there are no insurance issues which is very important for children to have their eyes examined to keep your child’s eyes healthy and insured.

Experts estimate that about 25 percent of schoolgirls have vision problems that can affect their performance in the classroom. Also, the risk of myopia and myopia progression continues throughout the school years.

Early eye tests are also important because children need the following visual skills that are essential for optimal learning.

Great visual acuity at all distances

Accurate and comfortable eye grouping skills

Proper navigation skills

Accurate and comfortable focus skills

When examining your child's eyes
Babies should have their first eye examination at the age of 6 months - early in life. Then at the age of 3 and just before entering the first class - about 5 or 6 years of age should have additional eye examinations.

Find a Physician: Poor vision will not affect your child's life. Find an eye doctor for your eye examination.

In school years, children should have their eyes checked at least every two years if no vision problems are detected in the early stages. Children who need glasses or contact lenses should be examined annually or on the advice of an ophthalmologist.

Schedule an eye test for your child
When scheduling an eye exam for your child, choose a time when he or she is usually aware and happy.

Typically, children's eye examinations include health and vision questions, vision tests, determining whether glasses are needed, eye alignment tests, and a complete assessment of eye treatment.

Health and vision questions are usually:

Any history of premature history

Complications during pregnancy or birth

Delayed motor development

Frequent rubbing in the eyes

Extra glow

Ocular degeneration

Failure to maintain eye contact

No apparent confusion of eyes

Unable to maintain a fixation while looking at the object

Poor eye tracking skills

Name and purpose for any current drug

Also, specify if your child has failed screening at school or when meeting with him or her or a pediatrician.

Your ophthalmologist will also want to know about your previous eye problems and the treatments your child has received, such as surgery and wearing glasses or contact lenses.

And inform your ophthalmologist of any family history of preventative defects, strabismus, amblyopia, or eye disease.

Eye examination for children
Babies should be able to see as well as adults by the age of 6 months considering the ability to focus, color vision and perception of depth. To determine if your baby's eyes are developing normally, the doctor will usually use the following tests:

Puppet reaction tests evaluate whether the pupil of the eye opens and closes properly in the presence or absence of light.

"Fixet and follow" testing determines whether your baby's eyes are able to stabilize and follow an object like light.

Preferential looking involves the use of cards that are blank on one side and have stripes on the other and draw children's attention on the other side. Thus, eye style can be assessed without a simple eye examination.

Eye examinations for preschool children
Some parents are surprised to learn that pre-school-age children are too young or too shy to verbalize, but they don't need to know their letters to do certain eye tests.

Common eye tests, especially for young children, include:

LEA symbols for young children are similar to regular eye tests using charts with letters, these tests include an apple, house, square and circle with special symbols.

Retinoscopy is a test that involves flashing a light into the eye to observe the reflection from the back of the eye (retina). This test helps ophthalmologists determine your child's spectacle prescription.

Use random.stereopsis tests point and special patterns of 3-D glasses to measure how well your child's eyes work together as a team.

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